StockLift Charts SDK

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The stocklift-charts component is a LitElement-based web component that displays various stock-related views such as summary, sector diversification, geo diversification, top holdings, S&P 500 benchmark, and projections. It allows navigation between these views using "Next" and "Back" buttons.


To use the stocklift-charts component, you need to include it in your project. You can do this by including the CDN in your HTML.

<script type="module" src="^1.0.0"></script>

Specifying Versions

You can specify the version of the stocklift-charts component by including the version number in the CDN URL. For example:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

If no version is specified, the latest version will be used.


Basic Usage

To use the stocklift-charts component, you need to initialize it with a configuration object.

Customizing Height and Width

By default, the component is a square with a height and width of 75vh. You can customize the height and width using CSS custom properties.

  stocklift-charts {
    --stocklift-height: 500px;
    --stocklift-width: 500px;


Here is a complete example of how to use the stocklift-charts component:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>StockLift Charts Example</title>
    stocklift-charts {
      --stocklift-height: 500px;
      --stocklift-width: 500px;
      --stocklift-button-color: var(--stocklift-button-color);
      --stocklift-button-hover-color: var(--stocklift-button-hover-color);
      --stocklift-background-color: var(--stocklift-background-color);
      --stocklift-text-color: var(--stocklift-text-color);
      display: block;
      margin: 0 auto;
    body {
      font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
      height: 100vh;
      background-color: #f0f0f0;
  <div id="chart"></div>
  <script type="module" src=""></script>
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
      const config = {
        accessToken: "your-access-token",
        companyName: "Your Company",
        clientId: "client-id",
        clientName: "Client Name",
        clientEmail: "",

      const stockliftCharts = document.createElement("stocklift-charts")
      stockliftCharts.config = config

      // Apply styles from style.css'--stocklift-button-color', 'var(--stocklift-button-color)')'--stocklift-button-hover-color', 'var(--stocklift-button-hover-color)')'--stocklift-background-color', 'var(--stocklift-background-color)')'--stocklift-text-color', 'var(--stocklift-text-color)')

      const chartDiv = document.getElementById("chart")

Initialization with JavaScript

You can also initialize the stocklift-charts component using JavaScript. Here is an example:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  const config = {
    accessToken: "your-access-token",
    companyName: "Your Company",
    clientId: "client-id",
    clientName: "Client Name",
    clientEmail: "",

  const stockliftCharts = document.createElement("stocklift-charts")
  stockliftCharts.config = config

  // Apply styles from style.css'--stocklift-button-color', 'var(--stocklift-button-color)')'--stocklift-button-hover-color', 'var(--stocklift-button-hover-color)')'--stocklift-background-color', 'var(--stocklift-background-color)')'--stocklift-text-color', 'var(--stocklift-text-color)')

  const chartDiv = document.getElementById("chart")

This script initializes the stocklift-charts component with the configuration and applies the styles defined in style.css.